Příloha 3
Informační místa
Smluvní strana EU
Evropská unie | European Commission - DG TRADE
| Services and investment unit
| Rue de la Loi 170
| E-mail: TRADE-GATS-CONTACT-POINTS@ec.europa.eu
Rakousko | Federal Ministry of Economies and Labour
| Department for Multilateral Trade Policy - C2/11
| Stubenring 1
| A-1011 Vienna
| Austria
| Telefon: +43 171100 (linka 6915/5946)
| Fax: +43 17180508
| E-mail: post@C211.bmwa.gv.at
Belgie | Service public fédéral Economie, PME,
| Classes moyennes et Energie Direction générale du Potentiel économique
| (Federal Public Service Economy, SMEs,
| Self-employed and Energy Directorate - General Economie Potential)
| Rue du Progres, 50
| B-1210 Brussels
| Belgium
| Telefon: +32 22775111
| Fax: +32 22775311
| E-mail: info-gats@economie.fgov.be
Bulharsko | Foreign Economic Policy Directorate
| Ministry of Economy and Energy
| 12, Alexander Batenberg Str.
| 1000 Sofia
| Bulgaria
| Telefon: +359 29407761
| +359 29407793
| Fax: +359 29814915
| E-mail: wto.bulgaria@mee.government.bg
Kypr | Permanent Secretary
| Planning Bureau
| Apellis and Nirvana corner
| 1409 Nicosia
| Cyprus
| Telefon: +357 22406801
| +357 22406852
| Fax: +357 22666810
| E-mail: planning@cytanet.com.cy
| maria.philippou@planning.gov.cy
Česká republika | Ministry of Industry and Trade
| Department of Multilateral and EU Common Trade Policy
| Politických vězňů 20
| Praha 1
| Czech Republic
| Telefon: +420 224852012
| Fax: +420 224852656
| E-mail: brennerova@mpo.cz
Dánsko | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
| International Trade Policy and Business
| Asiatisk Plads 2
| DK-1448 Copenhagen K
| Denmark
| Telefon: +45 33920000
| Fax: +45 32540533
| E-mail: hp@um.dk
Estonsko | Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
| 11 Harju street
| 15072 Tallinn
| Estonia
| Telefon: +372 6397654
| +372 6256360
| Fax: +372 6313660
| E-mail: services@mkm.ee
Finsko | Ministry for Foreign Affairs
| Department for External Economic Relations
| Unit for the EC’s Common Commercial Policy
| PO Box 176
| 00161 Helsinki
| Finland
| Telefon: +358 916055528
| Fax: +358 916055599
Francie | Ministere de l’Economie, des Finances et de l’Emploi
| Direction générale du Trésor et de la Politique économique (DGTPE)
| Service des Affaires multilatérales et du développement
| Sous Direction Politique commerciale et Investissement
| Bureau Services, Investissements et Propriété intellectuelle
| 139 rue de Bercy (télédoc 233)
| 75572 Paris Cédex 12
| France
| Telefon: +33 144872030
| Fax: +33 153189655
| Secrétariat général des affaires européennes
| 2, Boulevard Diderot
| 75572 Paris Cédex 12
| Telefon: +33 144871013
| Fax: +33 144871261
Německo | Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI)
| Agrippastrasse 87-93
| 50676 Köln
| Germany
| Telefon: +49 (221) 2057345
| Fax: +49 (221) 2057262
| E-mail: zoll@gtai.de; trade@gtai.de
Řecko | Ministry of Economy and Finance
| Directorate for Foreign Trade Policy
| 1 Kornarou Str.
| 10563 Athens
| Greece
| Telefon: +30 210 3286121, 3286126
| Fax: +30 210 3286179
Maďarsko | Ministry for National Development and Economy
| Trade Policy Department
| Honvéd utca 13-15.
| H-1055 Budapest
| Hungary
| Telefon: +36 13367715
| Fax: +36 13367559
| E-mail: kereskedelempolitika@gkm.gov.hu
Irsko | Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment
| International Trade Section (WTO)
| Earlsfort Centre
| Hatch St.
| Dublin 2
| Ireland
| Telefon: +353 16312533
| Fax: +353 16312561
Itálie | Ministero degli Affari Esteri
| Piazzale della Farnesina, 1
| 00194 Rome
| Italy
| General Directorate for the Multilateral Economic and Financial Cooperation
| WTO Coordination Office
| Telefon: +39 0636914353
| Fax: +39 063242482
| E-mail: dgce.omc@esteri.it
| General Directorate for the European Integration
| Office II - EU external relations
| Telefon: +39 0636912740
| Fax: +39 0636916703
| E-mail: dgie2@esteri.it
| Ministerio Attivita Produttive
| Area per l’internazionalizzazione
| Viale Boston, 25
| 00144 Rome
| Italy
| General Directorate for Commercial Policy
| Division V
| Telefon: +39 0659932589
| Fax: +39 0659932149
| E-mail: polcom5@mincomes.it
Lotyšsko | Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia
| Foreign Economic Relations Department
| Foreign Trade Policy Unit
| Brivibas Str. 55
| RIGA, LV 1519
| Latvia
| Telefon: +371 67013008
| Fax: +371 67280882
| E-mail: pto@em.gov.lv
Litva | Division of International Economic Organizations,
| Ministry of Foreign Affairs
| J. Tumo Vaizganto 2
| 2600 Vilnius
| Lithuania
| Telefon: +370 52362594
| +370 52362598
| Fax: +370 52362586
| E-mail: teo.ed@urm.lt
Lucembursko | Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres
| Direction des Relations Economiques Internationales
| 6, rue de l’Ancien Athénée
| L-1144 Luxembourg
| Luxembourg
| Telefon: +352 4782355
| Fax: +352 222048
Malta | Director
| International Economic Relations Directorate
| Economic Policy Division
| Ministry of Finance
| St. Calcedonius Square
| Floriana CMR02
| Malta
| Telefon: +356 21249359
| Fax: +356 21249355
| E-mail: epd@gov.mt
| joseph.bugeja@gov.mt
Nizozemsko | Ministry of Economic Affairs
| Directorate-General for Foreign Economic Relations
| Trade Policy & Globalisation (ALP: E/446)
| P.O. Box 20101
| 2500 EC Den Haag
| The Netherlands
| Telefon: +31 703796451
| +31 703796467
| Fax: +31 703797221
| E-mail: M.F.T.RiemslagBaas@MinEZ.nl
Polsko | Ministry of Economy
| Department of Trade Policy
| Ul. Zurawia 4a
| 00-507 Warsaw
| Poland
| Telefon: +48 226934826
| +48 226934856
| +48 226934808
| Fax: +48 226934018
| E-mail: joanna.bek@mg.gov.pl
Portugalsko | Ministry of Economy
| Av. 5 de Outubro, 101
| 1050-051 Lisbon
| Portugal
| Telefon: +351 217909500
| Fax: +351 217909581
| E-mail: informaçao@icep.pt
| Ministry of Foreign Affairs
| General Directorate for Community Affairs (DGAC)
| R da Cova da Moura 1
| 1350 -11 Lisbon
| Portugal
| Telefon: +351 213935500
| Fax: +351 213954540
Rumunsko | Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment
| Department for Foreign Trade
| Str. Ion Campineanu nr. 16
| Sector 1
| Bucharest
| Romania
| Telefon: +40 214010504
| +40 213150906
| Fax: +40 214010594
| +40 213150581
| E-mail: dgre@dce.gov.ro
Slovensko | Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
| Trade and Consumer Protection Directorate
| Trade Policy Department
| Mierová 19
| 827 15 Bratislava 212
| Slovak Republic
| Telefon: +421 248547110
| Fax: +421 248543116
Slovinsko | Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Slovenia
| Directorate for Foreign Economic Relations
| Kotnikova 5
| 1000 Ljubljana
| Slovenia
| Telefon: +386 14003542
| Fax: +386 14003611
| E-mail: jozica.frelih@gov.si
| Internet: www.mg-rs.si
Španělsko | Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio
| Secretaría de Estado de Turismo y Comercio
| Secretaría General de Comercio Exterior
| Subdirección General de Comercio Internacional de Servicios
| Paseo de la Castellana 162
| 28046 Madrid
| Espana
| Telefon: +34 913493781
| Fax: +34 913495226
| E-mail: sgcominser.sscc@mcx.es
Švédsko | National Board of Trade
| Department for WTO and Developments in Trade
| Box 6803
| 113 86 Stockholm
| Sweden
| Telefon: +46 (0) 8 690 48 00
| Fax: +46 (0) 8 30 67 59
| E-mail: registrator@kommers.se
| Internet: http://www.kommers.se
| Ministry for Foreign Affairs
| Department:UD-IH
| 103 39 Stockholm
| Sweden
| Telefon: +46 (0) 8 405 10 00
| Fax: +46 (0) 8 723 11 76
| E-mail: registrator@foreign.ministry.se
| Internet: http://www.sweden.gov.se/
Spojené království | Department for Business Enterprise & Regulatory Reform
| Trade Policy Unit
| Bay 4127
| 1 Victoria Street
| London
| SW1H 0ET
| England
| United Kingdom
| Telefon: +44 2072155922
| Fax: +44 2072152235
| E-mail: A133servicesEWT@berr.gsi.gov.uk
| Internet: www.berr.gov.uk/europeantrade/key-trade-issues-gats/page22732/html